Doctor Mentor's
Personalised Mentoring
The structure and delivery of the curriculum content enables Doctors to tailor the programme to their specific needs. Each teaching session will focus on a core topic in the curriculum, but with a ‘1 hour’ workshop portion of the day, where doctors have the opportunity to choose between 5 different topics to explore further.
This gives doctors the benefit of tailoring sessions to their immediate needs, rather than having to wait for a particular month to make a start on the session that they are keen to learn about. It also means that doctors can join the programme at any point in the year and have a ‘recap’ on topics that they have missed. At the end of each 1 hour session, they will be directed to e-learning and podcast information to help them access additional supportive content, if they have missed an in-person session or they just want to learn more.
Committed to mentorship
Our commitment is rooted in the belief that a fulfilled and motivated doctor will create a ripple effect in delivering the highest quality of care to patients and building a brighter future for the NHS.
We strive to foster a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and innovation within the NHS while upholding our profession’s highest ethical standards and values. Together, we envision a future where every doctor has the support and guidance they need to thrive and positively impact the health and wellbeing of our communities.
1-2-1 Virtual Mentoring With Doctor Mentor
In addition to this, all doctors will have access to a virtual zoom channel that is open between Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. There will be highly trained Doctor Mentors available on zoom during these times for doctors to drop into breakout rooms for 1-2-1 discussions about any concerns they may have. It is important that this feature exists because it provides a safe space away from the hospital and their place of work, which could be contributing to their stress. It also provides doctors with easy access (Zoom is free to use for an individual in this manner) and it eliminates the barrier of having to travel to a location. This set-up enables doctors to have access to as much on-demand 1-2-1 mentoring as possible for their individual wellbeing needs.

CV Boosting Opportunities
We understand that an important component of a doctor’s wellbeing is to feel fulfilled and be successful at work. This can be very difficult with the heavy workloads that are placed upon us. Which is why we have created a suite of national portfolio opportunities that are easy for any doctor to access. We can also provide you with personal mentoring and guidance to up-skill in areas that you want to develop and a suite of online resources for flexible support that you can access when it is convenient for you.